The procession of publicity materials for Lars von Trier’s “Nymphomaniac” has been so long and complex that I’m not only beginning to lose track of which ones I have and haven’t seen — though I’ve maintained a blanket avoidance of the clips and trailers thus far — but find myself wondering if there’s actually a film behind all the, er, foreplay. I rather hope there is, since “Nymphomaniac”‘s seemingly ceaseless campaign hasn’t yet succeeded in dulling my anticipation for von Trier’s gargantuan sex epic: I’m a Lars die-hard, admittedly, but the sheer brazen loopiness of this project on paper would have me intrigued even as an agnostic.
Anyway, while we have arguably been over-supplied with them, every poster for the film has been a bull’s-eye on the design front, and this latest teaser featuring Charlotte Gainsbourg may be my favorite one to date. We’ve seen the image before, but the framing and tightening of this one makes it entirely frameable — albeit possibly not something you’d want over the living-room fireplace. It’s accompanied by another that compiles all those now-familiar O-faces into a lovely mosaic. What next?
“Nymphomaniac” will be released Stateside by Magnolia on an as-yet-unspecified date in early 2014.