As I wrote last week, the Palm Springs Film Festival makes a habit of giving their annual Desert Palm Achievement Awards to surefire Best Actor and Actress Oscar nominees, and they’ve almost certainly maintained that record this year. Matthew McConaughey was recent named the first recipient; now he’s joined by “Gravity” star Sandra Bullock — “the epitome of cinematic talent and versatility,” in the words of fest chairman Harold Matzner. (I bow to no one in my love for Bullock, but… the epitome?) The actress, currently Cate Blanchett’s chief challenger in the Best Actress race, will be presented with the honor at the festival’s awards gala on January 4. [PSIFF]
Scott Feinberg on the Oscar lobbying that took place at this weekend’s Governors’ Awards. [Hollywood Reporter]
From Xavier Dolan’s “Tom at the Farm” to Gia Coppola’s “Palo Alto,” the 26 best films of 2013 still seeking US distribution. [Film.com]
R. Kurt Osenlund examines the Oscar forecast for “The Butler,” and argues that it’s more worthy of consideration than “12 Years a Slave.” [Slant]
“12 Years a Slave,” “Fruitvale Station” and Hans Zimmer received awards at the Stockholm Film Festival, while “The Selfish Giant” took Best Film. [Screen Daily]
Joe Reid and Richard Lawson read the tea leaves in the Supporting Actor and Actress races. [Atlantic Wire]
Disney required the near-complete removal of their founding father’s heavy smoking habit in “Saving Mr. Banks.” [The Guardian]
Andrew Stewart looks at the tricky commercial road faced by Alexander Payne’s “Nebraska.” [Variety]
Kyle Buchanan lists four departments in which even the most advanced visual effects are still falling short. [Vulture]
The estimable Syd Field — the savior of all screenwriters, or the bane of their profession, depending on whom you ask — has passed away aged 77. [Screen Daily]