Yesterday, Kris posted the “teaser” for the teaser of David Gordon Green’s Sundance hit “Prince Avalanche.” Today, we get the actual teaser, which is still doubtless a slip of a thing compared to whatever trailers hit in the near future. Movie marketing — even for the little guys — sure is a peek-a-boo process these days.
Anyway, the one-minute tease is charming enough, understandably selling the film on its loopy comedy rather than its affecting undertow of mourning for an endangered American spirit. The film’s certainly funny enough not to bewilder audiences seeking another “Pineapple Express,” but it represents a more considered integration of Green’s earlier indie melancholy and recent broader comic instincts than the trailer lets on.
As you know, Kris was quite taken with the film at Sundance. I caught up with it a few weeks later in the Berlinale — where it won the Best Director award for Green — and was delighted to find myself in near-complete agreement. I haven’t seen the Norwegian film it’s based on, but the highest compliment I can pay the film is that it nonetheless feels born of Green’s own imagination and preoccupations.
As a study of the case for and against self-reliance, it translates very well to America’s Great Wide Open, and as a simpler, star-driven buddy movie, it benefits from the not-quite-obvious Hollywood pairing of Paul Rudd with Emile Hirsch — who’s never been better, for my money.
The film opens of August 9, so you’ve a while to wait — and acquaint yourself with the fact that any images you see of Hirsch in the film are not of Jack Black in a time machine. In the meantime, enjoy the teaser, and tell us what you think in the comments.