One of the highlights of my extremely (mercifully) short trip to Comic-Con this year was a big showcase of all the Batmobiles, from the 1966 TV series edition through the Tumbler of Christopher Nolan’s latest Batman franchise. I’ve always wanted to see one of the Anton Furst-designed rigs from the Tim Burton films up close and suddenly, I got my chance. It didn’t disappoint.
The Batmobile has always generated awe. It’s a signature element of the Dark Knight’s arsenal, unique in the world of superheroes. And each iteration on screen has been pretty friggin’ cool in its own way.
So with that in mind, the CW will be airing a short documentary tonight creatively called “The Batmobile” that covers the history of Batman’s ride. Interviews with Nolan, Burton, Joel Schumacher, Adam West, Dennis O’Neil and Michael Uslan are included.
Meanwhile, reviews of the new film, which opens Friday, have been given the green light. HitFix’s Drew McWeeny is among the devoted. To wit:
“We may never see superhero films quite like these again, and that’s fine. Nolan had something special to say with his time in the trenches, and he’s ended on his own terms. I suspect that the reaction to the film will be hotly divided, but I’m firmly on the side that this is a triumph, a victory for all involved, and one of the year’s most impressive efforts so far in any genre, on any subject.”
Meanwhile, detractors are already receiving death threats. Oh, Batman. How you rile a summer movie season.
“The Batmobile” airs tonight at 8pm ET/PT. The full length doc will be included on the Blu-ray of “The Dark Knight Rises” later this year. Check out a trailer below and be sure to circle back tomorrow for a list of Batman stories to prepare you for “The Dark Knight Rises.”