Many of you would really like to see the Oscar-nominated shorts prior to Sunday’s telecast but can’t make it to one of the theaters currently running the package. Well, better late than never, I guess. I’ll let the press release speak for itself:
“Just days after the February 10th theatrical release of The Oscar Nominated Short Films 2012, and just in time for the 84th Academy Awards, ShortsHD, the only TV network dedicated exclusively to short movies, today announced the collection of Oscar nominated films will be available to cable subscribers on demand.
“Starting Feb 21st, the best of this year”s nominated shorts are offered in two special packages: Best Animated Short Films and Best Live Action Short Films, in both HD and SD. These films are presented to cable television subscribers by ShortsHD in conjunction with the nation”s leading Movies on Demand (MOD) distributor, iN DEMAND.
“With just the click of a remote, digital cable customers of Comcast/Xfinity, Time Warner Cable, Bright House Networks, Cox Communications, Cablevision, Bresnan and Charter systems will see the short movie compilations listed as: “The Best 2012 Animated Nominated Shorts” or “The Best 2012 Live-Action Nominated Shorts.”
With Movies On Demand through digital cable, viewers can watch movies instantly, pause, fast-forward and rewind. TV subscribers can also watch the Oscar Nominated Short Films 2010 and Oscar Nominated Short Films 2011 in both live action and animation genres.”
So grab your remote and hunt them down if you have those services and then you can be in the know, too! Pity the docs aren’t included, though they are on the theatrical package, which is still playing in select theaters nationwide.
Here are the Oscar Guides for Best Animated Short, Best Live Action Short and Best Documentary Short.
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