Marketing Jason Reitman’s “Young Adult” has been a bit of a unique task for the director and Paramount Pictures. After all, a Reitman/Diablo Cody collaboration immediately conjures expectations of “Juno” (which, again, isn’t as light and frothy as it has been considered over the years).
First came the teaser poster for the film, which was a riff on a young adult fiction book cover featuring a passed-out Charlize Theron, bottle in hand (and, I only noticed a few weeks back, a curiously phallic pillow draped across her back — am I alone on that?). Then came the trailer, David Bowie’s “Queen Bitch” bumping on the soundtrack and a bit of a broader shot that played coy with the film’s darkest comedy elements.
Now we get the official one-sheet for the film, which has Theron and her attitude front and center and falls somewhere in between the two stabs at boiling the film down for a general audience.
When I wrote about “Young Adult” earlier this month following it’s “pop-up” screening at the New Beverly Theater in Los Angeles, I called it “an unflinching piece of work committed to following its lead character on a downward path, eschewing a narrative of redemption and never conceding any ground…quite possibly Reitman’s most refined outing to date, his voice becoming clearer, his thematic interests taking further shape. It’s a brutally dark comedy but it is a very adult piece of work, playing in hues all the more uncomfortable for how true they really are on a primal level.” Meanwhile, my colleague Drew McWeeny’s review can be found here.
Check out the new one-sheet below and feel free to offer up your thoughts on it in the comments section. The film is set for limited release on Friday, December 9 and expands further on December 16.
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