The use of 3D in “Gravity” was part of the equation from the beginning. As director Alfonso Cuarón told me in an interview last week, the original title of the script was “Gravity: A Space Suspense in 3D.” Stereoscopic supervisor Chris Parks was involved in the imagery before cameras even began rolling, way back during the pre-visualization phase. It was crucial for the immersive experience Cuarón was looking for.
“The 3D is a character in the film, or it contributes to the character,” producer David Heyman says in the featurette below. “Alfonso really created something…that helps augment the feeling and emotion.”
Indeed, you’ve never experienced a film like “Gravity” and it has all the more resonance because it isn’t just spectacle. The immersion of the 3D in this film, it puts you there, experiencing the emotional journey of the character. That only amplifies the impact of the technology, and that’s why “Gravity” is one of the great films of our time.
Check out more from Cuarón, Parks, Heyman, Sandra Bullock and executive producer Nikki Penny regarding the third dimension of “Gravity” in the clip below.