Warner Bros. wasn’t shy about screening James Wan’s latest horror film, “The Conjuring,” which is why my thoughts on the film are now a number of weeks old. They knew they had a tight piece of genre filmmaking on their hands, and that it is; the film is a huge step up for Wan, a patient, rich exercise that doesn’t reinvent the wheel but tells a compelling, familiar story with a lot of control and finely tuned atmosphere. “It is enormously confident, and yet it seems to have enough faith in the audience that it doesn’t come across as a big noisy assault,” Drew McWeeny wrote in his review. But now it’s time to hear what you have to say, so when and if you get around to the film this weekend, chalk up your thoughts in the comments section and feel free to vote in our poll. And if you’ve caught up with anything else you’d like to discuss, consider this an open thread otherwise.